Josh Komen | The power of breath work an cold immersion

Josh survived cancer twice! But not without it's complications. Josh's story is one of resilience and strength with the help of breath work and cold exposure along the way. If you haven't heard his whole story, make sure you check it out.

Josh Komen was one of the fastest runners in New Zealand until his health took a turn and he was diagnosed with leukaemia, twice. Over the following 10 years, he dealth with depression, multiple heart attacks and many other complications. Yet, Josh survived cancer and amidst all these struggles, he made the most life, climbing Mt. Everest, completing 200 skydives, and becoming a husband and father. While many podcasts focus on his remarkable story (just search his name to learn more!), in this episode we wanted to understand the crucial role of breath work and cold exposure played in his recovery and how it continues to support him on his journey.

Breath Work

Breath work became a cornerstone of Josh's recovery. He shares how it helped him regain control over his body and mind. Josh recalls, “I had my first ice bath and found true transcendence where I felt something inside of me... it was basically pure power that spirit to help me drive me forward.” This practice helped him regulate his nervous system, providing clarity and a sense of control that had been missing during his treatments.

Cold Exposure

Cold exposure, another key element of Josh's healing process, began serendipitously when a friend introduced him to a Wim Hof documentary. Intrigued by the potential benefits, Josh immersed himself in cold showers and later met with Wim Hof in Australia. These experiences solidified his commitment to using cold exposure as a therapeutic tool. Josh explains, “Taking control of my breath in an extremely uncomfortable situation... I found something inside myself".

Practical Tips for Incorporating Breath Work and Cold Exposure

  1. Start Small: Begin with short cold showers, gradually increasing the duration as your body adapts.
  2. Mindful Breathing: Practice slow, deep breathing to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and reduce stress.
  3. Consistency: Integrate these practices into your daily routine to build resilience and improve overall wellbeing.
  4. Seek Guidance: Consider attending workshops or retreats to learn proper techniques and deepen your practice.

Josh's journey underscores the importance of finding strength in adversity. His use of breath work and cold exposure not only supported his physical recovery but also fostered mental and emotional resilience. Josh's story is a testament to the power of these practices in transforming lives and inspiring others to overcome their own challenges.

Books Mentioned Throughout The Episode

  1. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
    Written by Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, explores finding meaning in life even amidst suffering. Josh found inspiration in Frankl's story and used it to gain perspective and resilience during his own challenging times.
  2. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbran
    This is another book that helped Josh through his journey. A biography of Louis Zamperini, a former Olympic athlete and World War II bombardier who survied being lost at sea and a Japanese POW camp.
  3. Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic by Sandra Kahn an Paul R. Ehrlich
    Matty enjoyed this book as it explores the impact of oral posture and breathing on the development of facial structure and overall health, highlighting the importance of proper breathing techniques.
  4. Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor
    The team loved delving into the science and history of breathing in this book. It examines how changing the way we breathe can improve overall health and wellbeing.

For those facing their own battles, Josh offers a beacon of hope and practical tools to navigate through tough times. You can get in touch with him here.

Listen to the full episode here and discover how you can harness the power of breath work and cold exposure.