Seperation & Co-Parenting | The honest messiness with Hannah Davison

Hannah Davison candidly shares her journey through separation and co-parenting offering valuable insights for anyone who is or thinking about a big life change.

Separation and co-parenting are deeply personal and often challenging experiences that require emotional resilience, clear communication, and a focus on the wellbeing of all involved, especially children. In a recent conversation on The O-Studio Podcast, Hannah Davison, co-founder and author of the My Big Moments children’s book series and co-host of the Untidy podcast shared her journey through separation and the realities of co-parenting, offering valuable insights into how to navigate this difficult transition.

Embracing the Reality of Separation

Separation is rarely a decision made lightly. As Hannah recounted, her separation was something she saw coming long before she took action.

“You can see yourself going down this road, and you're looking down every side street to see if maybe there's a way that you can avoid going in the direction that you are inevitably going to go in,” she shared.

This acknowledgment of the inevitable can be daunting, but it’s crucial for your wellbeing.

Hannah emphasised the importance of being honest with herself and her partner about the state of the relationship. She mentioned the necessity of confronting the fears that come with separation—fears of the unknown, of judgment, and of the impact on children. It was only when she recognised that her fears were holding her back, rather than hope for change, that she found the courage to move forward.

The Challenge of Co-Parenting

Co-parenting after separation brings its own set of challenges, but with the right approach, it can be managed in a way that minimises the impact on children. Hannah and her ex-husband made a conscious effort to keep their children at the heart of every decision.

“We wanted to keep the kids at the heart of all of the decisions that we were making,” she explained.

This approach helped them focus on what was best for their children.

Hannah shared the importance of practical communication with children during a separation, focusing on providing them with predictability and stability. She also discussed how crucial it was for her and her ex-husband to work together, even when it was difficult, to maintain a sense of normalcy and support for their children.

Finding Strength and Moving Forward

Separation is a profound change, not just for the couple, but for the entire family. Hannah spoke candidly about the grief she experienced, not necessarily from the separation itself, but from the loss of the future she had envisioned. This grief was coupled with the stress of adjusting to a new reality, which often manifested physically and emotionally.

However, Hannah also found empowerment in the process. She emphasised the importance of self-care, therapy, and meditation in helping her navigate the emotional turmoil. She also highlighted the value of community and support systems, urging others in similar situations to seek out those who can offer understanding and encouragement.

Hannah’s story is one of resilience, honesty, and ultimately, growth. By facing the challenges of separation head-on and maintaining a focus on the wellbeing of her children, she has been able to foster a healthy co-parenting relationship and continue to thrive as an individual.

Separation and co-parenting are undoubtedly challenging, but with the right mindset and support, it is possible to navigate these experiences with grace. Hannah Davison’s journey offers a roadmap for others facing similar situations, reminding us that while the process is often messy and emotionally taxing, it can also be an opportunity for growth, healing, and new beginnings.

Listen to the full conversation on The O-Studio Podcast here.