The Answer to Dying is Living | Taking radical responsibility with Di Foster

Di offers profound insights into the power of radical responsibility, intentional living and the importance of taking control of our own narratives.

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, how we respond to life’s adversities can define the quality of our existence. Di Foster, a remarkable individual who faced a terminal diagnosis, offers profound insights into the power of radical responsibility and intentional living. Her story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of taking control of our own narratives.

Radical Responsibility: Owning Your Life

Di's journey began with a devastating diagnosis—terminal secondary breast cancer. Given only 12 to 18 months to live, she made a conscious decision not to focus on dying but on living fully with the time she had left. Di chose to embrace what she calls "radical responsibility," a concept that involves taking full ownership of every aspect of your life, including how you respond to challenges.

"Regardless of whether something is my fault, it is 100% my responsibility. That responsibility is my ability to respond," Di explains.

This mindset shift allowed her to focus on what she could control—her thoughts, actions, and how she chose to live each day.

The Power of Living in the Moment

One of the key lessons Di shares is the importance of being present. Life is not made up of grand, sweeping moments but of countless micro-moments that take our breath away. "It's the moments that take our breath away that count. That's why you can have a lifetime in 365 days, and it's enough," she says.

For Di, living in the moment meant making intentional choices about how she spent her time, who she spent it with, and what she focused on. Instead of dwelling on what could have been or what she had lost, she chose to immerse herself fully in the present, savouring each experience as it came.

Intentional Living: Creating a Life You Love

Di's approach to life after her diagnosis was rooted in intentionality. She became acutely aware of the importance of making conscious choices that aligned with her values and desires. Whether it was the decision to forego certain treatments or to pursue passions that brought her joy, Di made sure that every action she took was purposeful.

"Each day, we can just do the best with what we've got. We’re just trying to live too much in the future like we can dictate it," she reflects. Di’s words remind us that while we can plan for the future, it’s crucial to remain grounded in the present and make choices that bring us peace and flfillment today.

The Role of Self-Awareness

A significant part of Di's journey involved developing a deep sense of self-awareness. She understood that in order to live intentionally, she needed to be in tune with her own needs, emotions, and desires. This self-awareness allowed her to make decisions that were true to herself, rather than trying to meet the expectations of others.

"I am not living my life for anybody else. This is my life," Di asserts.

Her message is clear: when we take radical responsibility for our own lives, we free ourselves from the burden of living up to others' expectations and instead focus on what truly matters to us.

A Life Lived with Purpose

Di Foster’s story is a powerful example of how we can transform adversity into an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. By embracing radical responsibility, living in the moment, and making intentional choices, we can create a life that is rich with meaning and joy, regardless of the challenges we face.

Her journey reminds us that while we may not be able to control everything that happens to us, we have the power to choose how we respond. And in that choice lies our greatest strength.

Listen to our full conversation with Di on The O-Studio Podcast here.