Why | Recovery Space

From massage guns to mindful colouring books it's a one-stop shop to get you feeling relaxed and recovered. Let's chat about the benefits our Recovery Space offers...

Normatec Compression Pants

Normatec is an EPC device that uses air to put external pressure on a part of the body, promoting blood flow to the muscles and aiding recovery. Sports organisations and teams use these products to aid athletes’ recovery following rigorous training sessions or competitive events. Researchers found that air-pressurized devices such as Normatec help improve flexibility and reduce pain in a person’s legs following a workout. Whether you're recovering from a tough workout or managing a medical condition, Normatec may be just what you need to feel your best.

Massage Gun

A study in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine explored the effects of Hypervolt massage treatment. Participants underwent 5 minutes of self-treatment or no stimulation. The results revealed a significant increase in ankle flexibility while showing no impact on calf muscle power. The findings suggest that handheld massage guns can effectively enhance range of motion without compromising muscle strength. Another study looked at effects of massage therapy and vibration therapy on DOMS, range of motion, and lactate levels. Both therapies showed significant improvement in all parameters.

Myovolt Vibration Recovery

Muscle vibration therapy, specifically as part of exercise therapy, has demonstrated potential in alleviating pain and enhancing muscle function. Users have reported improvements in flexibility and reduced muscle pain. While further research is needed, a study found that participants experienced increased activity levels, relaxation, and decreased back pain following vibration therapy. These preliminary findings suggest the positive impact of vibration therapy on overall well-being and back pain management.

Mindful Colouring

Unplug from screens and devices and get creative with the help of one of the colouring books we have in the recovery space. Many people find that drawing or colouring increases their mindfulness and helps with anxiety. So, discover the benefits first-hand with one of our colouring books or bring your own!

Herbal Teas

Last but not least, there's nothing like a pot of tea to get you feeling cozy and revitalised. Choose from five Fine & Dandy loose-leaf teas...

- Chamomile & Cinnamon
- Lemongrass, Ginger & Kawakawa
- Peppermint
- Genmaicha
- Indian Spiced Chai

What one will you choose?

Book a Recovery Space session online and give all these amazing tools a try!